Mental Health for Kids and Teens

The Humanitarian Disaster Institute has developed a “Family COVID-19 Tool Kit” to help families assist their children with stress. Downloadable resources and videos can be found below, but visit their website for more information.

Tip Sheets

Helping Families Find New Rhythms
Intentional Ways to Spend Our Time in Quarantine

COVID-19 has disrupted the rhythm of the entire world. For many of us, we find
ourselves in shock. As reality sets in, we begin to realize the children are not returning to school, the events and activities are not happening, and the paychecks may stop coming. Amidst this unfamiliar chaos, we will seek to find a new rhythm. A tip sheet on finding these rhythms by the Humanitarian Disaster Institute can be downloaded below.

How to Talk to Your Kids About COVID-19
A Thoughtful Approach to Conversations

If you are a parent, you likely started thinking about how your children may have been impacted during this time. However, we’ve heard from many parents who feel uncertain how to talk to their children about COVID-19. This tip sheet by the Humanitarian Disaster Institute can help guide those conversations.

Five Habits for Working and Schooling Under One Roof
Humanitarian Disaster Institute

COVID-19, for now, has decimated the traditional systems we set in place to work and handle education for our children. As families grieve the familiar routines they once carried out a few weeks ago, in the chaos of this unfamiliar and indefinite way of life, new rhythms are evolving in our homes. The habits we begin to consider and practice now will shape our children, our partners, and ourselves in the future.

Each family, each child, and each situation is different, but there are some
habits we can all consider to help reign in the chaos and give us all room to grow
in healthy ways during this time.

Youth and Internet Safety During COVID-19
Humanitarian Disaster Institute

More than ever, children and teens are using the internet and social media as the
primary tool for social interaction and for school work. We may think human
trafficking is not happening in our own backyards; however, with the world on
the internet, the world is our backyard. It is essential that church leaders, parents, and those who work with children are informed about the realities of youth and internet safety. We must educate our communities about the tactics of traffickers online, help prevent human trafficking, and be equipped to be a part of the solution in ending it.



Young People’s Faith in an Anxious World
During the Spiritual First Aid Summit, Executive director of the Fuller Youth Institute Dr. Kara Powell shares helpful information about supporting teens emotionally and spiritually.

Children and Family Ministry at a Distance
Minister and writer Colbey Sparkman shares how churches can pivot family and children’s ministries in this moment as well as practical tips and creative ideas for building new family rhythms and serving together.

Updated on August 25, 2022

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