Mental Health During Disaster

Disaster can bring on seasons of stress, anxiety, depression, and much more. We hope that these tools and resources can help during this difficult time.

Coping With Mental Health

Coping With Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19
Are you experiencing feelings of anxiousness? This article with Psychology Today gives easy and practical tips on how to cope.

Mind-Body Skills Groups Online
The Institute for Spirituality and Health holds online groups and workshops that create a safe space for social connection.

Additional Mental Health Resources

Spiritual First Aid

Spiritual First Aid Tip Sheet
Spiritual First Aid (SFA) is an evidence-informed, peer-to-peer, disaster spiritual, and emotional care intervention. SFA was developed to take the “guess work” out of providing disaster spiritual and emotional care by turning research findings into practical helping methods. This tip sheet will help you start the journey into SFA.


Supporting Loved Ones

Mental Health & Substance Abuse
When a disaster occurs, it can have an impact on our physical and mental health. If you or someone you know is feeling overwhelmed, help is available. Texas Health and Human Services have resources for adults and children, as well as information substance abuse.

Supporter Tips: It’s Okay to Say
It is hard to know where to start when supporting a loved one who is struggling with mental health. This document by Okay to Say provides a guide on tips to care for our loved ones best.

Updated on August 25, 2022

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